Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time.:

Today’s gospel tells us that the kingdom of God “is like a mustard seed. When a mustard seed is planted in the ground it is the smallest of all seeds. We are reminded that when this seed grows it becomes a large tree where birds can make their nests. Sometimes we wonder what God can do with our “little faith?” Planted in the firm soil of Jesus’ words and promises, there is no limit to what God can do in us and through us. We cannot make God’s kingdom come but we must be open to the kingdom of God already present in our lives.

Please Pray for the Sick
Please also pray those who have died recently

Church News

£ Today there is a Second Collection for the Day for life

Mass Intentions: If you would like to book for one, please find envelopes available within the church.

Confessions:The Priest will be free upon request.

Sick Visit:Anyone who needs a sick visit or knows of anyone who requires one, please contact Fr Babu on 07778624455

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